The Power Of A Seed

“Don’t count the seeds in the Apple, count the Apples in the seed” I am continually being reminded by God lately to take into consideration His perspective.  Jesus said, “Every good tree bears good fruit.”  But within our fast pace “results now” world we are not...

Don’t rush through life

Disneyland really got me thinking: My heart is exploding with inspiration lately.  Truly can’t explain the passion that is welling up within me at every turn and it is not coming from the expected sources. You would think the word, prayer and church would be the...


To wrap up our series at Open Life on living with “Margin” we created and showed a documentary about the financial beginnings of the church two years ago.  It’s the story of how we chose the approach of strategic generosity and how it has made an...

Who has the greatest reward?

I love stories of life change.  The impact simple actions of love can make in the lives of others.  Some come out of deep relationship and trust built over months and even year’s of time, but others need hope right now.  They need a divine intersection with someone...

You are born an original don’t die a copy!

The last two weeks I have taken in some great conference talks, Team Church 2011, and The Global Leadership Summit.  I am still sorting through all the massive amounts of inspiring and insightful principles that were brought to clarity through the various...