Don’t rush through life

Disneyland really got me thinking: My heart is exploding with inspiration lately.  Truly can’t explain the passion that is welling up within me at every turn and it is not coming from the expected sources. You would think the word, prayer and church would be the...

That branch will cost you!

That branch will cost you, cut it off!  That is the suggestion by all the arborists on the radio at least.  They get that holding on by a thread is not the way to thrive. Taking a walk last night it was amazing how many branches are just dangling from the trees.  For...

Living Life Open

Got an email today from someone I have never met.  Shows what can happen if we live in the community we serve. I have always been a huge proponent of living in the city you go to church in.  Just a huge factor when it comes to doing life with people and your life...


The last time I cut one of our kid’s fingernails was 8 years ago.  @DanaHuff just reminded me.  Yeah…there is a story with that. We were on a bus in California on a summer Missions Tour with the youth choir from Eastridge Christian Assembly.  We were on a quick meal...


Is the church the best place for us to experience God?  I was in a conversation this past week when that assumption was made and something in me said, “no”. I never got into this thing called full time vocational ministry to give people an experience on Sundays, but...

Finding the pursuit

There is something in believer’s lives that romanticizes sacrifice without finding the resulting pursuit. Have you ever heard someone say God has asked them to give something up, but yet they have nothing more fulfilling to offer from their sacrifice?  I find that...