Be Witnesses

Yesterday I heard a quote that has made my mind ponder for a couple days.  “a neighbor I have been witnessing to”.  That was it, but my spirit began to turn and ponder the reality that we are not called to witness to anybody, we are called to “be witnesses”. Some...

Funeral or Wedding?

Sitting in Starbucks watching the invasion of people in suits and it made me begin my people watching pondering…funeral or wedding?  On second look it must be a funeral…on third look a church group.  What does your church look like? Personally it’s not my style to...

Lifestyle Evangelism

What an amazing journey.  As we have been on the road to planting this church, Open Life. I am continually amazed and declare with all confidence that Jesus is Lord.   Ezekiel 36 says increase, provision and the drawing of people to the church…it’s so that we may...

relational environment

“By the way you lead, are you creating an army or a nursery?  An army conquers the enemy and takes their territory.  A nursery feeds the children, wipes their fannies, and tries to get them to stop whining and crying.” Jim Putman Church Is a Team Sport...

a hero of the faith

This week was a great one.  We had the privilege to go to our Northwest Ministry Network’s Annual Conference in Pasco, Wa.  One of the church planters in this nation that I highly regard and love his blog, Mark Batterson, did some teaching and we were able to...


“Does the church do to people what the zoo does to animals?”  I remember when I began reading Mark’s book “Wild Goose Chase” and how this phrase impacted me at the beginning.  We make church so Christian that the lost have a struggle...