
To wrap up our series at Open Life on living with “Margin” we created and showed a documentary about the financial beginnings of the church two years ago.  It’s the story of how we chose the approach of strategic generosity and how it has made an...

Who has the greatest reward?

I love stories of life change.  The impact simple actions of love can make in the lives of others.  Some come out of deep relationship and trust built over months and even year’s of time, but others need hope right now.  They need a divine intersection with someone...

Serving the Mission

Wanted to share something I have shared with our leaders at Open Life about serving the mission. Romans 12:1–2 (NIV84)  Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual...

That branch will cost you!

That branch will cost you, cut it off!  That is the suggestion by all the arborists on the radio at least.  They get that holding on by a thread is not the way to thrive. Taking a walk last night it was amazing how many branches are just dangling from the trees.  For...

A day to remember

Hard to beat a day like today! Grace, Love and Generosity packed in one great day. For the past two months we have been shopping sales, and buying up the supplies for Liberty Ridge Elementary to be a tangible expression of the love and heart of generosity taught in...

You are born an original don’t die a copy!

The last two weeks I have taken in some great conference talks, Team Church 2011, and The Global Leadership Summit.  I am still sorting through all the massive amounts of inspiring and insightful principles that were brought to clarity through the various...

Shaping the music culture

Almost one year ago I blogged about what God was stirring in my heart, to impact the areas of culture from within culture and specifically the area of music. Here we are almost one year later and we still don’t have a worship director at Open Life. We have many...

Living Life Open

Got an email today from someone I have never met.  Shows what can happen if we live in the community we serve. I have always been a huge proponent of living in the city you go to church in.  Just a huge factor when it comes to doing life with people and your life...


The last time I cut one of our kid’s fingernails was 8 years ago.  @DanaHuff just reminded me.  Yeah…there is a story with that. We were on a bus in California on a summer Missions Tour with the youth choir from Eastridge Christian Assembly.  We were on a quick meal...

Different Ways

Sitting at Starbucks working and watched the person across from me do a full on nose wipe.  She used the Elephant trunk method…wipe from the wrist straight up until you reach your elbow.  Disgusting, but got me to thinking. Think about how many ways people wipe their...