Welcome to my blog. In this season of life, there is a deep longing to share what is happening with as many that would be interested.
Here you will find lessons I am learning along the journey of life as a husband, father, friend, Christian, and pastor. My life verse has been settled for quite some time now. It is 1 Thessalonians 2:8 (NIV), “We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well, because you had become so dear to us.”
In my most recent attempts to connect with this generation through twitter, facebook and MySpace, I have found that one of the missing links that would allow me to communicate by centralizing my efforts is a blog. So here goes my attempt at “sharing my life” in a very transparent way to all in the world that would long to view life through the eyes of Thaddeus Edgar Huff.
I am excited for the road ahead…and can’t wait to live out the adventure.
So excited to read and hear about all of this! We will be praying for you and I will talk with my wife to see not if but how much we can beginj to sow into your plant. Huge blessings! Jared
Thanks Jared. What a humbling blessing. Appreciate it.
Nothing but the best for you, your family, and the challenge that awaits you.
I certainly will follow your progress and help where ever I feel I can make a positive influence or contribution.
It is hard to experience much better than having a positive goal and meeting that endeavor, a task that most men never reach.
My Best