Life does not afford enough possibilities to connect with others, so we must make them.  My philosophy is go in.  When I hit up Starbucks I nearly always make the trip inside even if I am in a hurry.  I make the choice strategically due to my desire to bring a smile, encouragement or just plain allow myself to be open to what God might make of a connection with a person.

Life is beyond busy, but I believe that I am not in this community of Bonney Lake for no reason…there is a purpose to my living here and if I will be a part of this great community I better know the people.  Being a listener the other day I heard that one of the Barista’s was engaged.  I congratulated him today and we engaged in a great conversation.  He asked about Open Life and the process of getting it started.

I shared with him how amazing it was to load in this Monday and hear the sound and see the place as our environment to bring Jesus to Bonney Lake and the passion and excitement stirred him.

That would have never happened in a drive thru line.  Try it…don’t allow yourself to be so busy that you cannot pop into a place…resist the drive thru unless the kids are asleep and watch what God will do with the Open Life you are leading.

Leave some margin in that life and enjoy the moments that opened to you!