Blog Posts from Indonesia

Blog Posts from Indonesia

Yay…I was finally able to log back into my blog.  It has been a bit moody with me trying to post from Indonesia. That said, you can see visually what we have been doing by checking out the following: Instagram Twitter Facbook (I have been uploading many many...
Indonesia Update

Indonesia Update

Nothing that exciting to report from the land of Indonesia.  The last few days have been consumed with in house ministry and planning.  Every week I lead staff meeting and am offering some systems coaching to get the team moving forward in some of the areas Open Life...

Update from Indonesia

Been a couple days…things have been crazy busy with ministry and fun. Sunday was great sharing at ICA East.  I preached the first in a 4 week series called Mindful.  There were so many people who expressed their appreciation of the talk and how it was perfect...

Post #3 from Indonesia

Driving at night, waiting, and ministry. The most exciting time of the day for me was doing ministry to a group of young people who are among the poor of the city.  They call the ministry “social” and the program is YDP (youth development program).  They...