I have a beautiful Bride of 19 years…Dana. She is a teacher (Early Kindergarten), directed the Northwest Ministry Network’s Fine Arts Festival, and is pretty much the source of all grace, affirmation, encouragement, organization and follow through in my life. I would be lost without her (not speaking of directionally lost, because I dominate her in that).
Identical twin girls Joslyn and Jenna (13)…they are crazy rich in personality. They look pretty much identical, but Jenna is a little taller, but to us it’s obvious of course. They take after their mother in their smarts and me in their love for drama (oh is there drama) and music. They play keys for Open Life Bonney Lake and are pretty amazing.
And our youngest girl is Jaiden. She is 9 going on 16. What an aggressive personality. She talks to anyone, no matter the country we are in, “pounds it” with large intimidating people and someday will probably base jump! She is so quotable we set her up with her own twitter due to the constant funny things that exit her mouth.
And then the boy, Preston (5). This has drastically changed the huff home…for good. Bring on the testosterone and all the other parts our house is missing. He is a super hero and always wants to know who is the bad guy. He runs into things and pretty much can destroy anything within a nano-second. He loves outdoors, adventure and sports.
The whole kid thing for us has been an adventure of patience and trust in the miraculous healing power of God. He has shown himself faithful three times. It has been cool to see God provide us children in such a miraculous way, now we get to provide the love and belief in the fact that they can do anything they put their minds to in this world! Spend any time with us in our home and you will find that we deeply love and have a blast with these kids. Life should be full of optimism, belief and there is a benefit to good discipline as well!